WordPress is a pretty great platform in making websites. With its unique and great user interface, it might be much simpler to use as they say but then again, if you are not familiar with the components or the functions, then still you will not be able to fully grasp its overall usability. Come to think of it, there even a lot of questions about things that you can do on WordPress. If you are a beginner or just starting out, these things can even be very helpful to you. So here are some of the questions that you might want to hear about the thing for WordPress.

More Questions About WordPress


My site is running slow. Can I speed up my site?

Having a slow WordPress website will mean a lot of things might be affecting the performance of your website. Using excessive Flash components, too many plugins, or having bad tools with coding that may affect the performance of the site can cause these. To make sure that these things can be avoided, make sure to research on the recommended plugins and also update versions of the plugins or either with WordPress itself. In that case, you make sure that everything that you are using is having top performance.

Can I make my website more Secure?

Security really does mean a lot for any website. Fending off against those hacker attacks must be a priority to make sure that you website stays solid enough to go online. Now, you can use great security plugins like 6scan, Wordfence, BulletProof Security and more to handle the job for you. Developers have been making these plugins to make sure to have added security among WordPress sites.

Can I add Social Media buttons using WordPress?

A big Yes! Linking your site to the different social media platforms using social media buttons can make this much easier. Now with the use of plugins, it lets you do these with such ease that you can manage them and add the different buttons that you prefer. Some plugins like, Social Warfare, Sumome or even Shareaholic will do the job right for you.

Can I use or place embedded code on my posts?

That is possible. If you are using some external embedded code, you can easily attach them by clicking on the “Text” tab in the far right corner of your page. This gives you a much more details view on the lines of code for your site and place the code on the spot where you want them to be. This is great if you want to put some embedded code for videos and other media as well.

There are still a lot of questions that pertains to WordPress. But for more information on these, you can always check on some expert reviews like checking on some Tilden Task reviews and any WordPress tech related topics.